Guidelines on the use of recyclates in food packaging

Associations are pushing for the release of recyclates in direct contact with food. Supposedly, about 42 % of all plastic packagings are intended for food packaging. And therefore the effect of a CO2 reduction by the use of recyclates for food packaging is necessary.

EU-wide, new rules for the use of recycled plastics in contact with food, e.g. food packaging, will apply from 10 October 2022. Although certain transitional periods still apply until mid-2023, many plastics recyclers and processors must already prepare for the new regulations. Joint guidelines published today by the associations of the plastics processing industry (GKV and its supporting associations) and the plastics recyclers (BDE, bvse) will help them to do so.

The use of recycled plastics represents an important contribution on the way to a climate-neutral circular economy, because it reduces CO2 emissions in product manufacturing and dependence on fossil raw materials. Recyclates are already irreplaceable for products that come into contact with food, e. g. PET beverage bottles, and they are becoming increasingly important, explains Dr Andreas Bruckschen, Deputy Chief Executive of BDE e.V.

With the guidelines, plastics associations want to facilitate the application of the new regulations for plastics recyclers and processors and show ways and means of implementing the regulations, some of which are very complicated, explains Herbert Snell, Vice President of the Plastics Recycling Association in the bvse. Together, the three associations appeal to the EU Commission to implement its announcement and finally approve the PET recycling processes that have meanwhile been assessed as safe and thus create legal certainty for the industry.

The brochure can be downloaded free of charge from the associations‘ websites.

Contacts for queries:

Dr. Martin Engelmann,, Tel.: 06172-9266 76,
Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 43, 61348 Bad Homburg

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