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BEVERAGES in flexible packaging – more than a trend

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BEVERAGES in flexible packaging – more than a trend

Freitag, 13. September 2024 – 13:30

In this Inno-Talk, we invite industry experts and interested parties to experience the latest trends and technologies in the field of beverage filling in flexible packaging. The event is aimed in particular at experts from the beverage industry, packaging designers, sustainability officers and research and development. Focal points 1. ecological sustainability: how flexible packaging can help to reduce the ecological footprint of the beverage industry. 2. beverage trends: analysing current and emerging trends in the beverage industry, such as the increasing demand for healthy, functional beverages and how flexible packaging can contribute to brand differentiation. 3. interactive Q&A session: Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to our experts. Participation is free of charge, prior registration is required. The event will take place live.

Orientierte Polyethylenfolien – ein Baustein für Monomaterialverpackungen

Freitag, 6. Dezember 2024 – 13:30

Einstoffverpackungen werden nicht nur vom Gesetzgeber gefordert. Sie sind ein Baustein einer funktionierenden Kreislaufwirtschaft. In den letzten Jahren haben sich orientierte PE-Folien als Ersatz für andere gereckte Folien wie PET, PP und PA etabliert. Heute sind sie bereits im Einsatz und die Entwicklung schreitet rasant voran. Wir wollen einen Anstoß geben, sich mit dem spannenden Thema der gereckten PE-Folien für Monomaterialverpackungen näher zu beschäftigen.

We are the virtual collective lens for Flexpack knowledge

Specialists from the retail, food and consumer goods industries and, above all, packaging experts regularly meet here virtually. But we offer more than just a webinar. The mixture of compact presentations, questions and answers from the audience and live surveys makes this event something special. Questions from the audience are collected directly for each presentation, evaluated by the participants and discussed immediately. Voting rounds off the interaction. The contact details of the live participants are shared with each other and thus support interaction during and after the event. Everything revolves around the topic of packaging with a focus on flexible packaging for food, i.e. #Flexpack.

n this introductory video, I would like to give you a flavour of what InnoTalk can offer you, your employees and your company. We form a community of people who are interested in flexible packaging. And the whole thing is free for participants. They acquire specialised knowledge and make contacts with other film experts. In this way, we stimulate joint discussions and ideas for packaging manufacturers and packagers as well as for suppliers to the film industry and the retail trade. Directly after each presentation, questions from the audience will be collected, evaluated by the participants and immediately answered and discussed. During the talk, participants and supporters can exchange their digital business cards with each other and network digitally after the presentation and discussion part. A real industry get-together and much more than just a free webinar with high-calibre presentations.

The video is translated with AI dubbing.

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