Category: Inno-Letter

  • Choosing the right packaging material for a greener future  

    Choosing the right packaging material for a greener future  

    Example: paper or plastic film    The question of sustainability between film and paper packaging can be quite complex, as it depends on a number of factors, including manufacturing processes, the life of the material and recycling options.   Paper packaging: the production of paper is energy intensive and requires the use of large quantities of water.  …

  • WEBITs for more flexpack knowledge

    WEBITs for more flexpack knowledge

    From May 2023, we at Innoform will also offer our proven voucher offer for web seminars. The name of these web seminar vouchers is WEBIT. Already now companies can choose from 3 packages. The 10, 50 and 150 WEBIT package. One WEBIT corresponds to about 30 minutes of web seminar. We have therefore assigned a…